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If Obama wins, then before end of his term, Fox News will have one of the top 3 liberal news shows.

Created by RandomThinker on 2012-11-01; known on 2016-12-31

  • RandomThinker estimated 65% on 2012-11-01
  • RandomThinker said “Bidness is bidness.on 2012-11-01
  • JoshuaZ said “Defining liberal news show how? on 2012-11-01
  • RandomThinker said “Liberals will accept it’s a liberal show. Fox will shift its branding with the changing winds. 8 years is too long for them to only play one side when that side isn’t winning anymore.on 2012-11-02
  • RandomThinker said “more accurately, democrats will accept it’s a liberal show. There are always holdouts and purists. Democrats the party is more practical – they don’t mind if they get some support from Fox.on 2012-11-02
  • RandomThinker said “Not surprisingly, Fox pisses off Karl Rove and calls election for Romney early. They know which way the wind is blowing and already have Plan B in place to be (more) liberal. The media world’s gonna go topsy turvy when the switch happens.on 2012-11-07
  • RandomThinker said “Dennis Kucinich joins Fox. He’ll be the most liberal guy across all of tv news. 2013-01-17