Marijuana will be legal by 2025
Created by RandomThinker on 2012-04-08; known 18 days ago
- RandomThinker estimated 65% on 2012-04-08
- Jayson Virissimo said “Where?” on 2012-04-08
- RandomThinker said “Sorry I mean US, at least one state (without federal law over-riding it)” on 2012-04-08
- gwern said “california doesn’t count?” on 2012-04-08
- RandomThinker said “@gwern no federal law overrides it. It requires a nationwide change in policy to at least neutral if not legalization. I’m thinking there’s a culture change coming because Pat Robertson lately said he was ok with legalization.” on 2012-04-09
- Cy Fleming estimated 52% on 2012-04-20
- Oscar_Cunningham estimated 65% and said “What if it’s legalised and then subsequently illegalised?” on 2012-04-20
- RandomThinker said “@Oscar I think if it’s legalized at any point, it counts. That would already be a huge change” on 2012-04-24
- JoshuaZ estimated 55% on 2012-04-29
- NathanMcKnight estimated 60% on 2012-10-30
- ygert estimated 70% on 2012-12-25
- High_Fiber_Twigs estimated 50% on 2013-04-15
- andrevan estimated 95% on 2013-04-27
- RandomThinker said “NYT on board. Pretty amazing how fast the culture changed.” on 2014-07-27
- NathanMcKnight estimated 80% on 2015-09-02