PredictionBook is now read-only (

I will still be alive in 2200, meaning that the software that I am — or some modification of it — will still be running then.

Created by anonym on 2009-10-17; known on 2200-01-01

  • anonym estimated 2% on 2009-10-17
  • anonym on 2009-10-17
  • freyley said “seems like descendant includes children.on 2009-10-25
  • anonym said “thanks freyley, I didn’t mean to imply children but potentially radically altered versions of the same mind.on 2009-11-07
  • gwern estimated 1% on 2010-10-19
  • JoshuaZ estimated 1% on 2011-05-24
  • JoshuaZ said “tags: transhumanism, personalon 2011-09-04
  • pranomostro estimated 4% on 2018-11-25
  • deleteyourbrain estimated 0% on 2019-04-26