The First Domed City will exist before 2040. This will be the first above-ground structure since The third World War (WWIII).
Created by Harbinger1 on 2011-11-17; known on 2039-12-15
- Harbinger1 estimated 60% on 2011-11-17
- Harbinger1 on 2011-11-17
- JoshuaZ said “Do you mean an above air city that happens to be domed, or an underwater domed city, or a domed city on Mars or the Moon? Would any of these count? Also, date needs to be fixed. ” on 2011-11-17
- Harbinger1 changed the deadline from “on 2039-11-17” and changed their prediction from “The First Domed City will exist before 2040.” on 2011-11-17
- Anubhav estimated 0% and said “Conjunction fallacy… ” on 2011-11-17
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% and said “Harbinger, maybe try to make some sort term predictions or comment on some of the other predictions, wait a few months and then see how accurate your calibration is for the long term. ” on 2011-11-17
- JoshuaZ said “*short term” on 2011-11-17
- Laurent Bossavit estimated 1% on 2011-11-17
- lavalamp estimated 0% and said “conjunctionitis!” on 2011-11-17
- gwern estimated 1% and said “will judge as ‘both WWIII and a domed city will have existed before 2040’” on 2011-11-17
- Emanuel Rylke estimated 0% on 2012-04-29
- PipFoweraker estimated 0% on 2016-01-06
- themusicgod1 estimated 5% on 2016-07-09
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2016-07-10
- pranomostro estimated 0% on 2018-12-19
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2023-08-08