I will be attempting to get pregnant within a year of my IUD being removed (e.g. IUD removed > other form of BC > trying to conceive; or IUD removed > trying to conceive)
Created by mad on 2014-03-05; known on 2016-02-13; judged wrong by mad on 2016-02-13.
- mad estimated 80% on 2014-03-05
- mad on 2014-03-05
- mad changed the deadline from “on 2014-01-01” on 2014-03-05
- mad said “The low probability is primarily because if I get it removed within 5 years because I don’t like the side effects, I will be unlikely to want to try to conceive ” on 2014-03-05
- mad estimated 50% and said “I’m thinking of having it removed in the next year or so due to changes in libido. I’ve got a “sunk cost” mindset though so I am not sure it will happen. Adjusting my prediction though.” on 2014-12-23
- mad estimated 1% and said “I had it removed about a month ago because of the changes in libido, so I’m adjusting my prediction and the due date.” on 2015-03-13
- Unknowns estimated 15% on 2015-03-14
- mad judged this prediction wrong on 2016-02-13.