One of {Uber, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Magic Leap, Coinbase} will collapse.
Created by pranomostro on 2019-01-08; known 18 days ago
- pranomostro estimated 55% on 2019-01-08
- pranomostro changed the deadline from “18 days ago” and changed their prediction from “One of {Uber, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Magic Leap, Coinbase} will collapse before 2025.” on 2019-01-08
- pranomostro estimated 60% on 2019-01-08
- Medea estimated 75% on 2019-01-11
- Baeboo estimated 68% on 2019-01-12
- aoeu estimated 40% and said “probably Magic Leap” on 2019-01-12
- lalaithion estimated 34% on 2019-01-12
- Michael Dickens said “Can you define “collapse” a little more specifically? e.g., 90% or greater decline in valuation from peak to trough” on 2019-01-14
- two2thehead said “What Michael Dickens said.” on 2019-01-14
- pranomostro said “Source:” on 2019-01-19
- pranomostro said “The original prediction is not very specific, but I’m inclined to agree with @Michael Dickens on the resolution criteria.” on 2019-01-19
- PseudonymousUser estimated 59% and said “this is basically equivalent to “magic leap will collapse by 2025”” on 2019-03-08
- Baeboo estimated 80% on 2020-11-20