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People will choose virtual-reality clothes/make-up/accessories (like Snapchat filters), that are visible in real life to most people around them. This will be used by >10% of people, walking down the street, on dates, in business contexts.

Created by Leo on 2018-10-21; known on 2028-10-21

  • Leo estimated 1% on 2018-10-21
  • Leo said “Bet €1000 against today with Adam M.on 2018-10-21
  • Adamdm estimated 90% and said “It’ll happen way before this, and its use will be considerably more widespread.I bet €1000 against Leo today.on 2018-10-21
  • LogicAndReason estimated 80% and said “I’d be pretty surprised if this wasn’t the case. on 2018-10-25
  • vinegar estimated 20% on 2018-10-25
  • vi estimated 1% on 2018-10-26
  • pranomostro estimated 30% on 2018-10-27
  • Medea estimated 60% on 2018-11-09
  • Elly-Immeska estimated 60% on 2018-12-01
  • jazzsolo estimated 10% and said “Maybe in 20 years.on 2018-12-03
  • aarongertler estimated 5% on 2018-12-06
  • Baeboo estimated 7% on 2018-12-06