It will be revealed that there is a massive pedophile ring is operating within the United States government
Created by themusicgod1 on 2017-08-19; known in 10 days
- themusicgod1 estimated 86% on 2017-08-19
- PlacidPlatypus estimated 20% and said “How do you define “massive”?” on 2017-09-01
- rmeador estimated 50% on 2017-10-02
- Bruno Parga estimated 1% on 2017-10-17
- Flenser estimated 40% on 2017-11-08
- telegrafista estimated 0% on 2019-02-14
- Bruno Parga estimated 0% on 2020-09-13
- n99 estimated 3% and said “Nothing more than a handful of people anyone has ever heard of.” on 2022-10-28