Alphabet/Google buys Microsoft
Created by themusicgod1 on 2017-07-27; known 20 days ago
- themusicgod1 estimated 51% on 2017-07-27
- btrettel said “Does this count a merger?” on 2017-07-27
- themusicgod1 said “Probably not. Unless it’s obvious that Microsoft is getting taken over a merger would not count.” on 2017-07-27
- iCrown estimated 10% on 2017-07-28
- Michael Dickens estimated 6% and said “A merger seems not super unlikely, a takeover seems quite unlikely. My prediction is conditional on mergers not counting.” on 2017-08-01
- Temeraire estimated 3% on 2017-08-02
- Serge estimated 15% on 2017-08-02
- Baeboo estimated 6% on 2017-08-03
- Afforess estimated 0% and said “This would raise too many antitrust concerns. Will never happen.” on 2017-08-07
- MultiplyByZer0 estimated 0% on 2017-08-09
- Itja estimated 0% on 2017-08-17
- PseudonymousUser estimated 0% on 2017-08-23
- ekr estimated 5% on 2017-11-01
- Flenser estimated 5% on 2017-11-09
- Baeboo estimated 5% on 2018-01-12
- Baeboo estimated 2% on 2020-11-20
- n99 estimated 1% on 2022-10-28