Reality Winner gets the death penalty
Created by themusicgod1 on 2017-06-24; known 19 days ago; judged wrong by PseudonymousUser on 2019-03-08.
- themusicgod1 estimated 50% on 2017-06-24
- PseudonymousUser said “Does the death penalty have to be carried out for this to be Right?” on 2017-06-24
- themusicgod1 said “let’s say no” on 2017-06-25
- PseudonymousUser estimated 1% and said ““The charge Winner faces carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine”, also, base rates” on 2017-06-25
- themusicgod1 estimated 49% on 2017-06-26
- peter_hurford estimated 1% on 2017-06-27
- Jayson Virissimo estimated 2% on 2017-06-28
- Somni estimated 2% on 2017-07-02
- Dapple estimated 0% on 2017-07-05
- btrettel estimated 1% on 2017-07-27
- PseudonymousUser said “” on 2019-03-08
- PseudonymousUser judged this prediction wrong on 2019-03-08.