'President Mike Pence'
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-10-10; known 20 days ago
- themusicgod1 estimated 37% on 2016-10-10
- two2thehead said “Good question. Posting here to remind myself to make a prediction in a few days.” on 2016-10-10
- NathanMcKnight estimated 2% on 2016-10-12
- splorridge estimated 6% on 2016-10-12
- elephantower said “5%” on 2016-10-12
- themusicgod1 said “elephantower i think you hit the wrong field” on 2016-10-12
- Dapple estimated 1% on 2016-10-14
- JoshuaZ estimated 14% on 2016-10-21
- jesselevine estimated 1% on 2016-10-22
- holycow81 estimated 2% on 2016-10-23
- NathanMcKnight estimated 5% and said “2024 is a long way off” on 2016-11-07
- themusicgod1 said “…and when trump gets elected, all it takes is one stray bullet from some yokel to make this happen” on 2016-11-07
- splorridge estimated 17% on 2016-11-09
- JoshuaZ estimated 24% on 2016-11-09
- Dapple estimated 16% and said “Wow, I was way off earlier. Obviously updating with information I have now, it should be higher, but I think I was way too low initially with the information I had then.” on 2016-11-28
- PseudonymousUser estimated 50% on 2016-11-28
- Temeraire estimated 22% on 2017-01-28
- telegrafista estimated 9% on 2019-02-14
- Baeboo estimated 5% on 2019-02-15
- JoshuaZ estimated 14% on 2020-06-12