President Bernie Sanders Assassinated
Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-02-16; known 20 days ago; judged wrong by themusicgod1 on 2017-06-09.
- themusicgod1 estimated 1% on 2016-02-16
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2016-02-16
- PseudonymousUser estimated 0% and said “Does this prediction say Bernie Sanders will be president, and will be assassinated? Or just the latter?” on 2016-02-16
- splorridge estimated 0% on 2016-02-16
- Medea estimated 0% on 2016-02-17
- Temeraire estimated 0% on 2016-02-18
- jesselevine estimated 0% on 2016-02-18
- jesselevine said “Wish predictionbook would add a decimal point ” on 2016-02-18
- themusicgod1 said “@tapetum: both” on 2016-02-19
- EloiseRosen estimated 0% on 2016-02-20
- Andrew MacFie estimated 1% on 2016-02-21
- mrmrpotatohead estimated 0% on 2016-03-23
- themusicgod1 judged this prediction wrong on 2017-06-09.